User Interviews

User interviews are a qualitative research method used to gather insights and opinions from individuals about a product or service. Interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing. They typically involve open-ended questions and can be structured or unstructured.

When to use

User interviews are useful during the early stages of product development to gain an understanding of user needs, behaviors, and attitudes. They can also be used to test specific features or design concepts.


  • User interviews provide in-depth insights into users’ experiences and perspectives, allowing designers to understand their needs, wants, and pain points.
  • They can also reveal unexpected insights that might not have been uncovered through other methods.


  • User interviews can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • The quality of insights gathered can be impacted by the skill level of the interviewer and the quality of the questions asked.
  • Interviews can be subject to biases, such as the desire to please the interviewer or social desirability bias.

Learn more in the User Research: Comprehensive Guide article.

© Aleks Petrov, 2023
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