Tree Testing

Tree Testing is a user research method that evaluates the effectiveness of a website or application’s information architecture by testing users’ ability to find information using a tree structure. Participants are given a hierarchical list of categories and asked to locate specific items within the structure. The goal of this method is to identify any issues with the navigation and organization of the information architecture.

When to use

Tree Testing is best used during the early stages of design when developing the information architecture of a website or application. It can be used to refine and optimize the structure of an existing design or to validate a new design’s information architecture.


  • Identifies issues with information architecture early in the design process
  • Provides data-driven insights on user behavior and preferences
  • Easy to set up and conduct
  • Can be done remotely


  • Participants may not behave in the same way they would in a real-world scenario
  • Only evaluates the structure of the website or application, not the content or design
  • Results may be affected by the quality of the task scenarios or category labels

Learn more in the User Research: Comprehensive Guide article.

© Aleks Petrov, 2023
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